Know what you are giving!
Giving and knowing exactly where the money will be spent: that’s the beauty of donating to Power2Fly. To inspire you, we list some concrete plans & goals in this newsletter. Found an idea? Or are you thinking of something completely different, e.g. better salaries for teachers? Contact Any help is more than welcome!
Making the accommodation even more beautiful and sustainable
ASAS has been in the new premises for some time now. This gives space and offers perspective for the future. The children, board and teachers are very happy to be there. And new steps are taken every time: for instance, the cycling and running track was recently extended. There is now more space for duathlon lessons.
However, they do run into some teething problems and issues:
Drinking water: first of all, there are leaks that need to be fixed. But more importantly, drinking water supply appears to take a big hole in the budget. Drinking water has so far been tapped from large plastic barrels that have to be bought every time. That costs about 780 reais (145 euros) a month for 1,000 litres of water. By installing filters and purification plants, we can significantly reduce that monthly cost. To solve this, an investment of 3,500 reais including installation is needed. This amounts to about 650 euros. Once in a while a filter needs to be replaced but these are not the major costs.
Garden: We are also working with ASAS to see how to develop the piece of land with “green zoning” (garden, playground, recreational area, trees). This land should be accessible to the whole neighbourhood. To do this effectively, ASAS is being assisted by a company that will help them develop a proper plan for free. What is certain in any case is that trees will have to be replanted. We are talking about 180 trees and the estimated cost is 10,000 euros. Fortunately, we have already received money from donors for the playground and the vegetable garden.
Energy: To cut energy costs and become more sustainable, ASAS and Power2Fly want to put up solar panels. It is likely that the municipality will contribute to these costs.

Expanding (and continuing) activities
The children continue with hockey, theatre, duathlon, capoeira and visual arts.
Music and English classes are also now being added. ASAS has found its own donors to pay for these lessons. To keep the older group involved in ASAS’s activities, we also need to offer something that really appeals to them.
Swimming lessons:very important for children living on an island We are currently consulting with the owner of a swimming pool.
Activities for children aged 12-15 yrs: ASAS is busy looking for activities that are both interesting and educational for this group of young people. They can always use extra skills! Here are some possibilities:
- Projeto Maker: here, our youngsters learn to work with robots and a 3D printer through creative and technological skills. They also receive a basic computer science course. The cost for a teacher and an assistant is about 950 euros a month.
- In addition, older children are encouraged to enroll in a free online course offered by Instituto Mundo Melhor. This action was initiated by two concerned donors. We would like to offer this on a structural basis. The courses aim to give children a better springboard into the working world. .
- In addition, we would like to continue with the Fine Arts classes. The children learn different techniques: in doing so, a world often opens up for them. Moreover, they occasionally ask for a guest teacher. The children really dive into the world of art. They learn to work, think and look differently. Estimated cost: EUR 400 monthly.

How nice it is when people drop by; people who are interested in the foundation. So Dani van Gemert, a former ASAS volunteer, stopped by with a friend during a trip. He was curious to see how the new building had turned out and wanted to surprise some old acquaintances. It resulted in beautiful pictures.

Easter, always a celebration
With Easter comes something cheerful. And this year, face painting and Easter eggs again made for happy faces.
This celebration coincided with the last day of a faithful staff member: to pay for her studies, she had to opt for a better-paying job. We hope she will return to ASAS with her backpack full of pedagogical knowledge. Michele, many thanks for years of loyal service.

Spotlight on special donations
We have again received some wonderful donations in recent times:
- From BayWa Stiftung. This is the foundation of a large company that organises an annual benefit evening to support good causes. We get to decide what this amount is spent on.
- From the KaNS foundation, we will receive a donation for 3 years, which we may use for something related to mobility: the construction of the cycling or running path or a storage space for the bikes. Or maybe for bike repair classes? We are still working this out.
- A group of former Brazilians (they still meet in the Netherlands under the name Eurobras) donated the share of one of the members who died, to Power2Fly.
Would you also like to organise an action to raise money? Contact
Travel with us?
For this year, the trip is already full: there is a group of former Brazilians who would like to go back together and then also visit ASAS.
In 2024, we will go again! Would you like to come along? Let us know!
If you have any questions, please email
Support our projects every month or annually?
Any support is very welcome. Brazil has become more expensive and our new accommodation will soon have room for more children and young people. So we will also need more financial leeway. A great idea is to support us monthly or annually. As we are an ANBI foundation, there are opportunities to make it tax-deductible. Want to know more? Send an e-mail to
Fortune cards: always special!
Order them right away and give someone else a ribbon!
They are still there! And what could be better to give away than a gift that will make someone in the Netherlands and in Brazil happier?
The idea is simple: we have cards with 1, 2 or 3 lucky ribbons (for €15 or €25 or €50). You give such a card away to yourself or someone else. All proceeds will benefit Power2Fly’s projects and thus… children in Brazil who desperately need our help.
There is literally and figuratively a beautiful Brazilian story attached to the cards: tie a band around someone’s wrist, let them make a wish and if the band falls off the wrist, the wish will be fulfilled. Feel free to order more than one: you can pass on another load of good luck.
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